Lesson – 8         Nobody's Friend 

                     à¤•िसी का मित्र नहीं


 All Questions and their Answers


 1. What are the things the girl does not want to share?


  The girl does not want to share her sweets, book, and doll.


 2. Did the boy share his toffee and tricycle with others?


 No, the boy did not share his toffee and tricycle with others.


 3. Why are the two children nobody’s friends?

 The two children are considered nobody's friends because they are unwilling to share their possessions or let others play with their toys.


 4. What does the child in the last stanza want to share?


 The child in the last stanza wants to share sweets, ball, books, games, apple, and cake.



The Little Bully छोटा बदमाश



  1- Why did all the children hate Hari?


(ii) Because he always pinched them.


2- Nobody took Hari’s hand , Nobody went near him. Nobody played with him.” This shows that Hari had


 (iii) no friends.



 3-Actions which would make a friendly person:


Respecting other people.

Being helpful to everyone.

Helping your classmates in school.

Protecting a weaker person.


4 - Hari was pinched till he was black and blue. ‘Black and blue’ means


 (ii) there were bruises on his body.



5 - ‘I jolly well shan’t pinch anyone anymore’. Shan’t means.


 (iii) shall not


 6- Full forms:

 won't = will not

weren't = were not

wouldn't = would not

couldn't = could not


  7 - Words ending in -ly:







8 - Adding -ly to words:











Page - 139


1 - How did the seaside creatures, the crab, the lobster etc.  teach

 Hari a lesson? Write in a few lines.

 The crab, lobster, and other seaside creatures taught Hari a lesson by treating him the way he treated others, pinching and pricking him until he was in pain.

Through their actions, they made him realize the pain he caused others and how it felt to be treated unkindly.



2 -  Fill in the blanks with the help of - A ,E, I, O, U


(i) Hari was an unpopular boy.

(ii) The boys and girls went to the seaside for a picnic.

(iii) He saw a big crab coming towards him.

(iv) I found an empty bottle, floating in the water.

(v) The sea creatures ate his food.


 3-  A crab has a hard shell whereas a frog does not have one.

 There are many animals that protect themselves from their enemies with their outer cover/shells/quills.

 In the box given below are the names of some animals. Encircle the ones that can protect themselves with their hard cover.

crocodile ,snail, lizard, snake,  turtle ,tortoise ,gorilla, frog,  hedgehog, porcupine.








4- Can you tell the difference between a turtle and a tortoise?  Write a few lines.


Yes, there are notable differences between turtles and tortoises:


Habitat: Turtles are adapted for aquatic environments, with webbed

 feet or flippers for swimming. They spend a significant portion of

 their lives in water. Tortoises, on the other hand, are land-dwelling

 creatures, typically found in arid or semi-arid regions.



 Shell Shape: Turtles have a streamlined, lighter shell that aids in swimming. Their shells are usually more flat and streamlined to help reduce drag in water. Tortoises have a more dome-shaped, heavier shell, which provides protection from predators and helps to retain moisture in their terrestrial habitat.



 Feet: Turtles have webbed feet or flippers, which are well-suited for swimming. Tortoises have sturdy, elephant-like legs designed for walking on land. Their feet are not webbed since they do not need to swim.



 Diet: Turtles are omnivores or herbivores, feeding on a variety of plants, insects, and small animals. Tortoises are primarily herbivores, feeding on vegetation such as grasses, leaves, and fruits.



 5 -  Describe what is happening in the picture. Use / and is are ____ to make your sentences. Clues are given in the box.



For example Krishna is swinging.


 (i) Mary __Climbing_ up the slide.


 (ii) Hari __Kicking__ and boxing her.


 (iii) Little Bitoo ____Licking__ a lollipop.


 (iv) Rita _____Sliding_ down the slide.



Imagine what the children will do in the playground tomorrow. You can take some hints from the words given in the box.


e.g. John will kabbadi tomorrow.


Play, Football, Jump, Race, Badminton, Run


1 -Sarah will play hopscotch with her friends tomorrow.

2 -Michael will organize a football match during recess tomorrow.

3 -Emily and her friends will jump rope together in the playground 


4 - James and his classmates will have a race to see who's the fastest 


5 - Alex will challenge his friends to a game of badminton tomorrow 


6 - Lisa will run laps around the playground to improve her stamina.



Work in groups of four. See the picture of a shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean.

Suppose you went deep-sea diving. What would you find? Think of all the words that come to your mind, then build a  a paragraph. Share your story with other groups. writes in simple words.

 As we descended into the depths of the ocean, the water grew darker and colder around us. Slowly, the shipwreck came into view, its rusted hull covered in algae and coral. Schools of colorful fish darted in and out of broken windows, while curious sea turtles glided gracefully past. We explored the wreckage, discovering hidden treasures like old chests and forgotten artifacts. The eerie silence of the deep was occasionally broken by the gentle swaying of seaweed or the distant echo of a passing whale. It was a surreal world beneath the waves, where time seemed to stand still and every corner held a new mystery waiting to be uncovered.





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