Smart English

Lesson -1     Prayer

Questions and their answer of the lesson.

1-How do the children address god?


The children address God - "O God almighty" and "O maker of all."


2-What do they call him?


They call him "God almighty" and "maker of all."


3-What do they pray for?


They pray for piety,

 (which suggests they seek righteousness and devotion to God.)


4-What do they seek?


They seek God's shawl.

( which metaphorically represents his protection, guidance, and comfort.)


5-In second stanza, what do they pray and why?


They pray for God's grace to face the hail and shower of the life.

In the second stanza, they pray for grace from God, asking for his divine favor and assistance, particularly in facing the challenges and difficulties of life ("life's hail and shower"). They pray for grace to help them navigate through life's trials.




                             Lesson -8    The Greedy Man

Questions and their answer of the lesson.

1-Who laid the golden egg?

The hen laid the golden egg.

2-What did the greedy man think one day?

One day, the greedy man thought of cutting and opens the hen to take all the golden eggs.

 3-why did he cut open his hen?

He cut  and opens his hen because he wanted to take all the golden eggs at once, thinking there might be more inside.


4-What did he found?

When he cut open the hen, he found no golden eggs inside.

Instead, he found that the hen had died, and there were no more golden eggs.

Lesson -9    Hungry Fox

Questions and their answer of the lesson.

1- Who was sitting on the branch of a tree?

A crow was sitting on the branch of a tree.

2 - What did the crow have in his beak?

The crow had a piece of bread in his beak.

3 - Who was hungry?

The fox was hungry.

4 - What did the fox say to the crow?

The fox said to the crow, "Dear crow, you are very beautiful. Your voice is very sweet. Please sing me a song today."

5 - What happened in the end?

The foolish crow opened its beak, and the piece of bread fell down. The clever fox picked it up and ran away.

Lesson -10    Foolish Friend

Questions and their answer of the lesson.

1- Who was Krishna's friend?

Krishna's friend was the monkey.

2 - What Was the monkey doing?

The monkey was sitting and fanning his master, Krishna.

3 - What did the monkey do with the sword?

The monkey took the sword and struck at the fly with it.

4 - Who is better than a foolish friend?

A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend.

Lesson -11    My Birthday

Questions and their answer of the lesson.