English Reader  


All questions and their answers Lesson wise

Lesson 1 

Break, Break, Break

A.           Answer the following questions :

1.      Alfred Tennyson is the poet of the poem.

2.      His friend’s death inspired him to write the poem.

3.      The sailor's lad was singing a song in his boat.

4.      The fisherman's boy was playing with his sister.

5.      Arthur Henry Hallam was the name of the poet's friend.

    B.           Complete the lines of the poem :

Break, Break, Break

On they cold grey stones, O sea!

And I would that my tongue could utter. The thoughts that arise in me.

O well for the fisherman’s boy

That he shouts with his sister at play! O well for the sailor lad

That he sings in his boat on the bay!


A.           Fill in the blanks choosing the right word :

1.      Do not take a very heavy dose of this medicine.

2.      He was playing a foul game.

3.      His heart is normal.

4.      The eagle soar very high.

5.      Let us pray to God.


Use of who and which

‘Who' is used with human being. ‘which is used with non-living things -

Fill in the blanks :

1.      The man who is honest is trusted.

2.      Which is your book?

3.      I know the house which he lives in.

4.      He is here, who is fortunate.

5.      The horse who I recently bought is an Arabian.

6.      This is the boy who I told you of.

Form the sentence by the following prepositions

1.      on                     The book is on the table.

2.      in                       Ram is the most famous person in the town.

3.      at                      Don’t throw stones at others.

4.      from                 I got a letter from my brother.

5.      with                  He is living with his aunt.

6.      among             the teacher distributes the toffee among the                 students.

Lesson 2 

                                A True Hero

A.           Answer the following questions :

1.      Manoj was an honest and sincere worker.

2.      He was working as a pilot on a ship.

3.      The passengers were terrified because the ship had caught fire.

4.   The result of the sailors' attempt was, that at last the ship touched the shore. All the men, women and children were saved.

5.    The captain of the ship ordered Manoj to run the ship on to the nearest shore.

6. The men, women and children were saved by the bravery of Manoj, who kept on running the ship in spite of surrounded by flames. The ship reached the shore safely only because of him.

B.           Fill in he blanks :

1.      Manoj was an honest and sincere worker.

2.      But he did not leave his place.

3.      He turned the wheel with his one hand and the knee.

4.      At last the ship touched the shore.

5.      Manoj was working as a pilot on a ship.

C.    Put tick (3) against true statements and cross (7) against the wrong statements.

1.    3                  2.    3                  3. 3                 4.    3

5.     7                   6.     7


A.           Match the following :

1.      Stretched                                             (f)  Spread

2.      Progress                                               (a) Develop

3.      Vast                                                     (b) Very big

1.      Wounded                                            (e) Injured

2.      Ruled                                                   (c) Governed

3.      Battle                                                   (d) War


  Fill in the vowels to complete the words :

1.      wheel                 2.      shark                   3.        Sail

4.  octopus             5.      owl                       6.        ear

1.      egg                      8.      Tear


Complete the following spellings :

1.      honest                2.      terrified              3.        flames

4.  knee                   5.      shore                   6.        death

7.  turned                8.      ship                     9.        burnt


A. Join the following sentences by using ‘and’ or ‘with’:

1.      Reena and Sidhi went to Delhi.

2.      Sushil is a wise and honest boy.

3.      I went to market with my friend.

4.      I bought a pen and a pencil.

5.      My brother and sister went to the school.

Make nouns from the following words :

    1.      announce                   announcement

                    2.      fulfil                            fulfillment

                    3.      live                               life

                    4.      serve                            service

                    5.      proud                          pride

                    6.      different                     difference

C.  Make adjectives from the following words :

1.      wind                windy                2.  speak                      spoken

3.  full                  fulsome            4.  honesty                  honest

5.  fear                 fearful              6.  risk                          risky

D. Change the following sentences into past tense :

1.      Cow gave us milk.

2.      He took tea in the morning.

3.      I wrote a letter to my mother.

4.      Teacher taught English in the classroom.

5.      Sohan cleaned his room.

Lesson 3 

                                Two friends and the Jackal

A. Answer the following questions :

1. Champakavati is the name of a forest in Magadha Desha.

2. Subudhi and Chitranga were the two friends.

3. The jackal told the deer in secret, “Friend, I have seen in a certain part of this forest a field lush with crops. If you want to see it, I shall show you the place.”

4. The jackal replied loudly, “O Crow, tell me if you were not a stranger too on the day, you made friends with this deer. Hasn't that friendship grown? You are as good friend to me as the deer.”

5. The Jackal died because of the mace thrown by the hunter.

B. Fill in the blanks :

1. At the desire of the deer, the jackal showed the field which was really full of corn.

2. The owner came near and saw the net, he was happy.

3. Champakavati is the name of a forest in Magadha Desha.

4. Seeing the deer running, the owner swore and flung the mace at the running deer.

5. Each day the crow, the deer and the jackal went their own way in search of food or other.

6. The owner of the field set a trab in the field to catch the thief.

7. After freeing the ‘dead’ deer, the owner turned his attention to collect the net.

8. But the mace fell on the hiding jackal and killed him instantly!

C. Put tick (3) against true statements and cross (7) against the wrong statements :

1. 3             2. 3              3. 3              4. 3             5. 3              6. 7


A. Write the synonyms of the following :

forest          jungle                 desire      wish

happy          joyful                  follow      chase

stranger     visitor                  foe          enemy

some          a part                  show         display

B. Write the meaning of the followings in Hindi :

indeed              à¤µास्तव में  
                                     flesh         मांस

humble             à¤µिनम्र
                                           promise      à¤µादा

together           à¤¸ाथ-साथ                                      certain      à¤¨िश्चित

really                à¤µास्तव में
                                      pasture       à¤šà¤°ागाह

desire              इच्छा

past tense of the following verbs :

know     knew          feel            felt               see             saw          want        wanted

reply      replied        praise        praised        inflate        inflated    free   freed

return   returned


A. Frame the questions for the following answers :

1. How is it raining?

2. What are they doing in the field?

3. When should we take our food?

4. What are necessary to life?

5. What is his brother?

6. What do they do in the garden?

7. Where is he taking rest?

8. Do you go to school daily?

Lesson 11 

                                 Special feast to friends

A. Answer the following questions: 

1. Ali was a merchant. 
2. Ali invited his friends on his birthday because he wanted them to give special feast.
3. Ali arranged the pans and pots from his neighbours. 
4. The matter of pots and pans' death was taken to the court. 
5. The case was dismissed on account of logic given by Ali.

B. Fill in the blanks :

1. Ali did not have the large pots, and pans. 
2. The matter was taken to the court. 
3. Ali found that all the pots and pans had died. 


A. What do we use :

 1. to see in dark. 
2. to carry the patient. 
3. to read the news. 
4. to measure fever. 
5. to carry glasses, cups etc on it.
6. to tighten or loosen the screw


Fill in the blanks :

 1. During examinations he works hard. 
2. He never tells lies. 
3. She went inand brought some food for the beggar. 
4. Hasn't the teacher marked our paper properly?